Breizh Bretagne Llydaw Brittany

mardi 2 mai 2006

A map of Pont Aven

A map of Pont Aven, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Knowing Welsh, as I do, I'd say this is 'Pont Afon' in Welsh. The 'f' sounds

like a 'v'. In that case it would mean: pont=bridge, aven=river.

But am I right?

The Breton language derived from the British language (Welsh, in fact) but

I know better than to make assumptions. The current name for a river in

Breton is quite different.

But then place names don't change that much. Witness all those English

rivers called 'Avon', and names like 'Dover'. In fact the French pronunciation:

Douvres, is identical to the one of the Welsh variants: Dwfr, meaning 'water'.


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