Breizh Bretagne Llydaw Brittany

vendredi 31 octobre 2008

Mon dieu, c'est Hallowe'en!

Mon dieu, c'est Hallowe'en!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Et nos propres sorcières!

(Mais pas trop éffrayantes cette année!)

Two o'clock!

Two o'clock!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Yes, it was.
Though this clock would have been wrong this time last week!

Autumn morning

Autumn morning, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Road to Kermelinaire and Trevano

Road to Kermelinaire and Trevano, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Windy!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

There's a cold easterly wind, today!

Line of trees

Line of trees, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Up to the quarry

Up to the quarry, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

And lick-lipping apple footie.

Cow rescue!

Cow rescue!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

At first I thought they were leading the herd back to pasture. But no, three
heifers alone heading up for the hazardous quarry.
I managed to turn them back, and alert my neighbour, who ran off to get my
other neighbour whose cattle they probably are.
Yannig's first experience as a working dog!

jeudi 30 octobre 2008

Morning silhouettes

Morning silhouettes, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Cattle in stubble

Cattle in stubble, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

In the dip

In the dip, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Criss-cross, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Bracken, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Track, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Morning sun

Morning sun, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Rising mist

Rising mist, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Blues, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Road in the mist

Road in the mist, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Fauchage, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

All those roadside plants are in for the chop.

Trees emerging

Trees emerging, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Upright, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Curves, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Stubble field

Stubble field, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Haze, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Trees in mist

Trees in mist, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Cattle, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Sun breaking through

Sun breaking through, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Bisous?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

'Twas mutual grooming ...

'Twas mutual grooming ..., originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

.. until I got the camera out.

mercredi 29 octobre 2008


Gwez, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Saout, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Fluffy, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Avaleù, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Demolition, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Demolition, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Over the valley

Over the valley, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Looking up

Looking up, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Track down to the pond

Track down to the pond, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Swimmer, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Beech leaves

Beech leaves, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Red oak

Red oak, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Orange, yellow!

Orange, yellow!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Autumn colours

Autumn colours, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Leaves, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


I did, anyway, hoping my neighbour wouldn't mind.

I think the new barrier is to keep vehicles out, possibly because of the


Security?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Up from Kermelinaire

Up from Kermelinaire, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Ploughed, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

mardi 28 octobre 2008

Tiny flowers

Tiny flowers, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Tangle, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Visit the archives to see more photos!