Breizh Bretagne Llydaw Brittany

mercredi 31 octobre 2007

Ooh la la! Qui êtes-vous?

Ooh la la! Qui êtes-vous?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Des phantomes!!!

Pas trop effrayants!

Pas trop effrayants!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Qu'est-ce que vous en voulez?

Qu'est-ce que vous en voulez?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Des bon-bons!

Getting ready for tonight

All ready for tonight, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

All ready for tonight

All ready for tonight, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

lundi 29 octobre 2007

Skol Diwan, Baod (Baud)

Skol Diwan, Baod (Baud), originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

We had such fun!
Comparing Breton and Welsh words, and noticing the similarities.
Metres of blackboard space were filled up!
And as I left, the children asked their teacher whether they could please
copy everything down in their exercise books!!

mardi 23 octobre 2007

Skol Diwan, Baod (Baud)

Skol Diwan, Baod (Baud), originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Shops stocking up with chrysanthemums

For Toussaint, 1 November,to put on family graves.

La Toussaint est une fête catholique, célébrée le 1er novembre, au cours de laquelle sont honorés l'ensemble des saints reconnus par l'Église catholique romaine. La Toussaint précède d'un jour la fête des Morts, dont la solennité a été officiellement fixée au 2 novembre deux siècles après la création de la Toussaint.

Dans plusieurs pays européens, comme la France, la Toussaint étant un jour férié, c'est ce jour-là que les gens ont pris l'habitude d'aller se recueillir dans les cimetières, et entretenir les tombes des défunts (évènement particulièrement bien représenté dans le tableau "La Toussaint" du peintre Émile Friant).

dimanche 21 octobre 2007

Friend playing for us

Friend playing for us, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

jeudi 18 octobre 2007

Wisteria wandering over woodpile

Wisteria wandering over woodpile, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Yukka, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Foliage, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

mercredi 17 octobre 2007

Hydrangea flower

Hydrangea flower, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Hydrangea, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The hydrangea outside the bathroom window is still flowering!

The pampas grass

The pampas grass, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

I love the foliage, but hate the plumes. So I always cut them out!

My apricot tree

My apricot tree, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

It's young. I wonder how long it will take to bear fruit.


Berries, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Berries on a shrub in my garden

Berries on a shrub in my garden, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Ivy invading my house

Ivy invading my house, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Must remember to do something about this.

Slumbering cat

Slumbering cat, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

New waterlily in my pond, and reflection of hand

Another beautiful cauliflower

Another beautiful cauliflower, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

This time it only cost 1.

samedi 13 octobre 2007

Display of local apples

Display of local apples, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

At the Office du Tourisme, Auray

Apples 2

Apples 2, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Apples 3

Apples 3, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Apples 5

Apples 5, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Apples 4

Apples 4, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Apples 6

Apples 6, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Apples 7

Apples 7, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Apples 8

Apples 8, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Local apple exhibits

Local apple exhibits, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

At Auray.

To complete one's outfit?

To complete one's outfit?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Des accessoires

Des accessoires, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Cordonnerie, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

et cle minute.
Fast keys, not tiny, I guess.

Machine for leather repairs?

Machine for leather repairs?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

And many keys.


Cordonnerie, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Cordwainer is an old English word for shoemaker.
Cordovan or cordwain means goat-skin leather, originally from Cordova, or
Cordoba, in Spain.

Hats and gloves and scarves

Hats and gloves and scarves, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Nice and cosy for Winter!

Nice and cosy for Winter!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Sewing and knitting

Sewing and knitting, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Brûlerie d'Alré

Brûlerie d'Alré, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

An Alré is the Breton name for Auray.
Or let's say an Alré got frenchified into Auray.

Brûlerie must indicate that coffee is roasted there.

Quel couleur?

Quel couleur?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Tea-time?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Coffee, tea and reflections

Coffee, tea and reflections, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

vendredi 12 octobre 2007


Millstream, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

In fact the River Sarre, still stream-like up by its source.

Tree in Autumn

Tree in Autumn, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Glimpse into a derelict property

Glimpse into a derelict property, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Marigolds peeping through a cypress hedge

La fontaine de Saint-Salomon

La fontaine de Saint-Salomon, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Gates, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Qu'est-ce que c'est?

Qu'est-ce que c'est?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Moi, je ne sais pas!


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