Breizh Bretagne Llydaw Brittany

lundi 25 septembre 2006

Street pattern

Street pattern, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Cats!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Créez votre blog avec Le Télégramme

dimanche 24 septembre 2006

At Quelven

At Quelven, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Sweet-chestnuts, signs of Autumn.

These have fallen too early, following wind and rain.

At Quelven

At Quelven, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The walk through the woods.

Potiron on gate-post

Potiron on gate-post, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

I recently took pictures of these 'potirons' when they were still growing.

The custom here is to then place them on a hard surface. I wonder why?


Mignon!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Transport, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Glass, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Glass, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

samedi 23 septembre 2006


Bike!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Bike!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Bikes!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Bikes!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Bikes!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Gateau, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Just for fun?

Gateau for a baptism

Gateau for a baptism, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Du chocolat

Du chocolat, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Du chocolat

Du chocolat, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Du chocolat

Du chocolat, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Chairs, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Tarte tatin

Tarte tatin, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Road closed this afternoon

Road closed this afternoon, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Because we're all having fun!

Harmonie de Pontivy

Harmonie de Pontivy, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Not many musicians, but a big sound, and great foot-tapping fun.

Harmonie de Pontivy

Harmonie de Pontivy, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Free music on the streets of Pontivy

A brass band!

The boys with the big noise

The boys with the big noise, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The girls with the delicate touch

Cole Porter Classics

Cole Porter Classics, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Yes, this was the next number.

The little drummer-boy

P1010051b.JPG, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

No, not so little!
At one point I realised he was the only person watching the conductor. All the rest seemed to be reading their scores.


Shadows, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Orchestral paraphernalia

Orchestral paraphernalia, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Spare music stands

Spare music stands, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Journalists, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

From le Télégramme and France-Ouest.


Journalist, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Primroses, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

I painted this gouache earlier this year.

Work achieved

Work achieved, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

There used to be a huge tumble-down wall here. I've rebuilt it, making a raised bed. Could look good once the plants become established.

vendredi 22 septembre 2006


Finally, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Finally, after all this tedious preparation, I'll make my terrace from the

stones on the left, and a path alongside the garage with the textured stones to

the right.

Garden chaos

Garden chaos, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

But I'll get there, one day.

The cat

The cat, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

She's called Georgia, actually. She's Welsh.

Perverse, or what?

Perverse, or what?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

I love the leaves of pampas grass, but hate the plumes. So I just chop 'em


Work achieved

Work achieved, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

A small retaining wall, which will divide the grass (can't quite honour it

with the name 'lawn', as yet) , and the bed where I'm going to plant old roses.

Already ordered them from Pieter, the Dutch gardener. He'll get them for me

in November.

And below all this, my little terrace!

Work in progress

Work in progress, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

I'm going to have to shovel all this sand onto the hard-core.

And I thought I was meant to be retired!

Work in progress

Work in progress, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Tiring work, raking over the area. Now I'm transferring small stones to use

as hard-core. Many were collected in containers as I worked on other projects.

Now I'm having to dismantle a pile I made three years ago. Not very

inspiring work!

lundi 18 septembre 2006

La chapelle de St-Nicodème

La chapelle de St-Nicodème, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

From the road, all you can see of the chapel of St Nicodème is the spire.

A spire in a field!

In fact it is built low in a hollow, and has four 'fontaines', holy wells.

Inside it is extraordinarily damp. The stone floor is wet, and there is

green mould part way up the walls.

Back outside on a warm sunny September day, I had the smell of the dampness

in my nostrils for quite a while.

I wonder what it's like in Winter. Good for a bit of penitence, I'd say.

La chapelle de St-Nicodème

La chapelle de St-Nicodème, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

La chapelle de St-Nicodème

La chapelle de St-Nicodème, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

La chapelle de St-Nicodème

La chapelle de St-Nicodème, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Up in the gallery.

La chapelle de St-Nicodème

La chapelle de St-Nicodème, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

La chapelle de St-Nicodème

La chapelle de St-Nicodème, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.



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