Breizh Bretagne Llydaw Brittany

dimanche 30 avril 2006

My birthday outing

My birthday outing, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

This picture is for my friends, Fransis and Helen Guyon, who live in

Llandrillo, Wales. A door at Pont Aven.

Maybe you're related to the Breton Guyons!

My birthday outing

My birthday outing, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Yellow sands at le Pouldu. My birthday treat was an outing to the seaside.

My birthday outing

My birthday outing, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The seaside!

At le Pouldu.

My birthday outing

My birthday outing, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

To the seaside, the first time this year!

At le Poudu.

My birthday lunch

My birthday lunch, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

At At le Mimosa, Pont Aven. The restaurant is named after a boat, le Mimosa. Yes, it is a wisteria, not a mimosa growing up the walls of the restaurant.

We had Pavé du Thon, and very good it was, too.
What a lovely day I had!

My birthday lunch

My birthday lunch, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

At Le Mimosa, Pont Aven

My birthday lunch

My birthday lunch, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

At Le Mimosa, Pont Aven

vendredi 28 avril 2006


Wisteria, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The first flowers are appearing

Le printemps

Le printemps, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Spring has well and truly sprung!

Rue du Four, St Trephine, Pontivy

aptly named

Pieces acceptees en euro uniquement

The euro was introduced almost four and a half years ago!


Au GRETA, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

What day is it today?

What day is it today?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

jeudi 27 avril 2006

Green field

Green field, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

I think it's wheat

Something fishy about this picture

Small creatures

Small creatures, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Mice, actually


Bunny-rabbits, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Get the low-down

Get the low-down, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Des animaux de compagnie

Des animaux de compagnie, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Not for the table, not at that price!

Des poissons de compagnie

Des poissons de compagnie, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Des animaux de compagnie

Des animaux de compagnie, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Tres mignonne!

Tres mignonne!, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Where's my wellies?

Where's my wellies?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

des bottes

Where's the dog's lead?

Where's the dog's lead?, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Malus, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

ornamental crab-apple

Curves and straight lines

Curves and straight lines, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Herbaceous borders in the making

Herbaceous borders in the making, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.



Geraniums, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

or, to be precise, pelargoniums


Plantpots, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Now, what would you plant in this one?


Orchids, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The minimalist collection

The minimalist collection, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The Texan connection

The Texan connection, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The Texan connection

The Texan connection, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The Texan connection

The Texan connection, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The Mexican connection

The Mexican connection, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

The Mexican connection

The Mexican connection, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Yellow field

Yellow field, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.


Yellow field

Yellow field, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

oilseed rape crop

mercredi 26 avril 2006

26 April 2006, Kiev

26 April 2006, Kiev, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Memorial service for the victims of the Chernobyl disaster.

Reactor number 4, Chernobyl

Reactor number 4, Chernobyl, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Following the catastrophic nuclear explosion at Chernobyl, this 'sarcophagus'

was erected to enclose the reactor.

It was built in haste, and is now deteriorating. It will need to be


This and the following few photographs have been taken from:

Chernobyl, liquidators

Chernobyl, liquidators, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

Around 650,000 people were recruited or forced to assist in the clean-up or

'liquidation' of the consequences of the nuclear catastrophe at Chernobyl.

Many of them became ill, and an estimated 8,000 -10,000 died from the

radiactive doses they received.

26 April 1986, the nuclear explosion at Chernobyl

and the present-day view of the 'ghost town'.

Chernobyl letter boxes

Chernobyl letter boxes, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

In the ghost town of Chernobyl. Some mail was never collected: a couple of

newspapers and the April 1986 edition of 'Hunting and Fishing' magazine.


Fungi, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

lundi 24 avril 2006

Yesterday was St George's Day

Yesterday was St George's Day, originally uploaded by Rhian vK.

and this is my son's authentically English tribute

dimanche 23 avril 2006

St Nicolas-des-Eaux, Lady's Smock alongside the Blavet

the colours varied from mauve to virtually white

St Nicolas-des-Eaux, interesting structures

St Nicolas-des-Eaux, interesting structures

St Nicolas-des-Eaux, the River Blavet

From the towpath.

This children's play area also has a bar. Naturally.

St Nicolas-des-Eaux, the River Blavet

On the towpath


Visit the archives to see more photos!